Who are our users?
We mostly address to our Designers and Developers in a first step. But our target is larger than just "our", or just those profiles.
When you start building a product you have to define your users, all of them. When you develop the product you focus on a part of your users. The Foyer Design System respect this Agile approach that's why we mostly work for our Designers and Developers.
Table of Contents
Development Teams
UX and UI Designers
The Designers will focus on the user research and will need to communicate with the end user. Those users for Foyer can be an agent, a client or someone in the administration. The language used (Voice & Tone) and the results expected are variable regarding the user profile.
They also work on the visual and desirable aspect of the applications. They need to work on Typography, Colors and all the brand aspect to keep a solid identity.
Front-End Developers
The Developers will focus on delivering a great experience through performant applications: they usually spend time on speed load, great interactions and motions (coming soon), respect of the brand aspect using our Design Tokens (coming soon).
Our Collaborators
Marketing & Communication
The Marketing is in constant relation with the clients. They deliver communication assets and campains which need to be consistent through time, media and devices. Logos, Typography, Colors, Voice & Tone (coming soon) and Design Principles are their main tools, within the Design System, for a great communication.
Product Owner & Business Analyst
PO and BA need to have a better view on how things work in a business and technical point of view to better estimate the time, resources, and budget allocated to the development of features. The Design System help the development team and the Business Analyst evaluate a part of the work required and already done by the Core Team.
Our Partners & Future Collaborators
One of our goal by publishing our Design System is, more than just collecting feedback, to open our System to our Partners, Startups and Future Collaborators.
Our wish is to provide enough assets and guidelines to facilitate the adoption of our Corporate Identity and to avoid the distortion of Foyer's identity. We are aware that even with the greatest effort, minor unintentional identity changes can be made when the guidelines are not clear, or even totally missing. With this Design System we hope to limit exchange times on visual aspect and rule details, and focus on what really matters: working with our partners on projects that improve the experience of our customers and prospects.
Our Partners
We work closely with companies that are our partners since several years now. Each time a new contact comes to existing or new projects, the first steps are the same: exchanges by email of existing Corporate Identity, logos, and other several assets, doing repetitively the same type of email month after month.
The Design System is here to bring simplicity to those first exchange, and help our partners being a bit more independant on the way they will handle the "Foyer" part of their work.
Another aspect is our API-fication.
In 2018 we started a big work of being full API. That means we realized that a lot of development were redundant, and we decided to go "service oriented", to work one time on a specific need, and stop reinventing the wheel. Those internal APIs can be brought to life also for external collaboration, in particular with Startups or services that would need to insure a good or a property for example.
To do so we need you. We need to listen your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us.
You can also read more about our Open Innovation.
Future Collaborators & Students
Last but not least users of our Design System, more an expectation than a reality for now: future collaborators and students. We expect that this tool would help students in their work when working on more concrete projects. Oftentime courses offer the opportunity to explore what's happening in the real life of companies, and Foyer would love to help student in their exploration. We are here to help, contact us 😊
For Foyer, when it comes the time to recruit people for teaming-up with efficiency, we hope that our teammates and collaborators fit well with our mindset. The Design System is a good starting point for communicating on what we do and how we do it. We hope this System will help with onboarding people on our projects, and will help candidate in their decision, and even in their wish to join us.